

The Storm

"Conscience is the most sacred thing among men. Every man has within him a still small voice, which tells him that nothing on earth can oblige him to believe that which he does not believe. The worst of all tyrannies is that which obliges eighteen-twentieths of a nation to embrace a religion contrary to their beliefs, under penalty of being denied their rights as citizens and of owning property, which, in effect, is the same thing as being without a country." - Napoleon Bonaparte

The Inquisition (Inquisitio Haereticae Pravitatis; Inquiry on Heretical Perversity), was a group of decentralized institutions within the justice system of the Roman Catholic Church whose aim was to "fight against heretics". It started in 12th-century France to persecute heresy, and was later expanded to other European countries.[1] Inquisition practices were used also on offences against canon la...w other than heresy. - wikipedia

The Cathars:

The Cathar Church in comparison to the corrupt practices of the medieval Catholic Church, was an honest and dedicated movement that rejected the trappings of wealth, lust and power. There were no church buildings or property. The Cathar Church did not demand tithes of its members and it educated its children, both male and female. As such it was a threat to the Catholic Church, and after numerous failed attempts to sway Cathar followers away by persuasion, the Pope finally sponsored a bloody crusade to put down the Cathars by fire and sword in 1209. - .russianbooks

Crusades and suppression of heresy -

nnocent III was a vigorous opponent of heresy, and undertook campaigns against it.
At the beginning of his pontificate, he focused on the Albigenses, also known as the Cathars, a sect that had become widespread in the area that is now southernwestern France, but which at that time was under the control of local princes, such as the Counts of Toulouse. The Cathars rejected the authority and the teachings of the Catholic Church, and what they viewed in it as corrupt.
In 1199, Innocent III condemned the public preaching of heretical teachers. Two Cistercian monks were sent to dispute the teachings of the Cathars and to reassert papal authority. - .wikipedia

The Albigensian Crusade or Cathar Crusade (1209–1255) was a 45-year military campaign initiated by Pope Innocent III to eliminate Catharism in Languedoc. The Crusade was prosecuted primarily by the French crown and promptly took on a political flavour, resulting in not only a significant reduction in the number of practicing Cathars but also a realignment of Occitania, bringing it into the sphere of the French crown and diminishing the distinct regional culture and high level of Aragonese influence.
When Innocent III's diplomatic attempts to roll back Catharism[1] met with little success and after the murder of the papal legate, Pierre de Castelnau, Innocent III declared a crusade against Languedoc, offering the lands of the Cathar heretics to any French nobleman willing to take up arms. The violence led to France's acquisition of lands with closer linguistic, cultural, and political ties to Catalonia (see Occitan). The pope declared that all Albigenses "should be imprisoned and their property confiscated".[2]
The Albigensian Crusade also had a role in the creation and institutionalization of both the Dominican Order and the Medieval Inquisition. -

However, since most Cathar parfait (male) or parfaites (female) refused to recant and embrace orthodox Catholic doctrine they were burnt to death as a matter of course. And this was specifically as a result of their religious beliefs as judged heretical by the Dominican Inquisition - not due to revolt against the temporal order. The latter resulted in thousands more being butchered as at the seige of Béziers in 1209 - 7000 in total amounting to the entire population. Arnaud Amoury, the Cistercian abbot-commander wrote to the Pope:
"Today your Holiness, twenty thousand citizens were put to the sword, regardless of rank, age, or sex." - .wikipedia_Albigensian_Crusade

The Huguenot:

The availability of the Bible in local (vernacular) languages was important to the spread of the Protestant movement and the development of the Reformed church in France. The country had a long history of struggles with the papacy by the time the Protestant Reformation finally arrived.

French Protestants were inspired by the writings of John Calvin in the 1530s, and they were called Huguenots by the 1560s. By the end of the 17th century, roughly 200,000 Huguenots had fled France during a series of religious persecution - wikipedia_Huguenoth

Massacre of Mérindol -

Historians have estimated that the soldiers killed hundreds to thousands of people. They captured survivors and sent hundreds of men to forced labour in the French galleys. In total, they destroyed between 22 and 28 villages.[4] [5] The execution of one young man, a servant, may well have been the first example of execution by firing squad in Europe for causes of ideology[6].

In the aftermath, both Francis I and Pope Paul III approved of the actions taken; the Pope awarded Maynier with Imperial honours - wikipedia_Massacre_of_Merindol

1572 - St. Bartholomew's Day massacre -

In what became known as the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre of 24 August – 3 October 1572, Catholics killed thousands of Huguenots in Paris. Similar massacres took place in other towns in the weeks following. The main provincial towns and cities experiencing the Massacre were Aix, Bordeaux, Bourges, Lyon, Meaux, Orleans, Rouen, Toulouse, and Troyes.[23] Nearly 3,000 Protestants were slaughtered in Toulouse alone.[24] The exact number of fatalities throughout the country is not known. On the 23–24 August, between about 2,000[25] and 3,000[26][27][28] Protestants were killed in Paris and between 3,000[29] and 7,000 more[30] in the French provinces. By 17 September, almost 25,000 Protestants had been massacred in Paris alone.[31][32] Outside of Paris, the killings continued until the 3 October.[31] An amnesty granted in 1573 pardoned the perpetrators. - wikipedia_Huguenot

The massacre also marked a turning point in the French Wars of Religion. The Huguenot political movement was crippled by the loss of many of its prominent aristocratic leaders, as well as many re-conversions by the rank and file, and those who remained were increasingly radicalized. Though by no means unique, it "was the worst of the century's religious massacres." [2] Throughout Europe, it "printed on Protestant minds the indelible conviction that Catholicism was a bloody and treacherous religion".[3] - .wikipedia_St._Bartholomes_Day_Massacre

News of the massacres was welcomed by the Pope and the King of Spain. Protestants, however, were horrified, and the killings rekindled the hatred between Protestants and Catholics and resulted in the resumption of civil war (see Religion, Wars of). - .encyclopedia_massacre_of_Saint_Bartholomews_Day

The Emigration

The first Huguenots to leave France sought freedom from persecution in Switzerland and the Netherlands.[citation needed] A group of Huguenots was part of the French colonisers who arrived in Brazil in 1555 to found France Antarctique. A couple of ships with around 500 people arrived at the Guanabara Bay, present-day Rio de Janeiro, and settled in a small island. A fort, named Fort Coligny, was built to protect them from attack from the Portuguese troops and Brazilian Native Americans. It was an attempt to establish a French colony in South America. The fort was destroyed in 1560 by the Portuguese, who captured part of the Huguenots. The Portuguese threatened the prisoners with death if they did not convert to Catholicism. The Huguenots of Guanabara, as they are now known, produced a declaration of faith to express their beliefs to the Portuguese. This was their death sentence. This document, the Guanabara Confession of Faith, became the first Protestant confession of faith in the whole of the Americas.

Most French Huguenots were forced to convert to Catholicism, because they did not want to emigrate or they could not. More than three-quarters of the Protestant population finally converted to Catholicism; the others (more than 200,000) moved to different countries. - wikipedia_Huguenot

Jews :

The Jews of France do not seem to have suffered much during the Crusades, except, perhaps, during the first (1096), when the Crusaders are stated to have shut up the Jews of Rouen in a church and to have murdered them without distinction of age or sex, sparing only those who accepted baptism. According to a Hebrew document, the Jews throughout France were at that time in great fear, and wrote to their brothers in the Rhine countries making known to them their terror and asking them to fast and pray. In the Rhineland thousands of Jews were killed by the crusaders

In 1010 Alduin, Bishop of Limoges, offered the Jews of his diocese the choice between baptism and exile. For a month theologians held disputations with them, but without much success, for only three or four of the Jews abjured their faith; of the rest some fled into other cities, while others killed themselves. A Hebrew text also states that Robert II "the Pious" of France having concerted with his vassals to destroy all the Jews on their lands who would not accept baptism, many were put to death or killed themselves. wikipedia_History_of_the_Jews_in_France

Christianity and its Persecution of Heretics :

Translating the bible into vernacular languages, or helping with the printing of such a bible was heresy according to the Roman Church. Generally, in Europe, women were buried alive for this offence. Men were burned alive. One printer in Paris was burned on a pyre of his own books. In the sixteenth century William Tyndale translated the bible into English. In danger of arrest and in fear for his life he fled the country. He was arrested in the Netherlands, and in 1536 was executed for heresy for agreeing with the Lutheran doctrine of justification by faith. -


“The world soffers a lot. Not because the violence of bad people.But because of the silence of the good people.” - ― Napoleon Bonaparte

This world has became an extermination camp to this church.. Disguised as sheep or Angelic being in front of the people to deceived and make these deceit by their manipulative ways to follow them and make believe that they are serving god by following this organization and disgustedly make believe that they killing in the name of God. They abused the trust of these people who believe in this kind of religion and used these people to work for the self benefits and greediness of this religion. Believing what they are doing will have their salvation or make them go to heaven. Not realizing that they are more than these deities that they are serving.. This church used the trust of these deceived people to control them, not knowing they are being used and controlled  just for the sake of this organization..

Humanity is worth more than than their Gods and Goddess made of gold, precious stones or ivory came from elephant tasks.. These people are worth more than their Gods made of wooden chunks.. Make them to Entrust their lives and faith to a thing made of wood and stones which can be burn and destroyed by fire and by a strong hand of men, This kind of trust and faith to these kind of things which has destroyed by fire and will, will also be their faith...

Following a Master like this Pope whose a beast will also make them a savage beasts.. Transforming those who believe in them into thirsty and lusting for blood of those who will be victimize by them and manipulating their mind that what they are doing is God's will.. These kind of people are not human anymore but a savage beasts..

They killing innocents, weaponless, unarmed, weak and to the deep sleep of their opposition. These are coward acts of this organization and those who support them. This Church always act like above the State and all the Kings or the leader must follow her.. Make the State to be under her rules to have the power to control a Nation and It's people including those who don't believe on what they believe. Pretending to be a God that all must follow through their Church. Those who will fell to their tyranny through a State that they controlled and fooled are helpless, without having any rights.. 

I. Papal Government Supplanted and Pontiff Banished - A Brief Account of the Subversion of the Papal Government, 1798 by Richard Duppa

1. NAPOLEON'S GOAL WAS FREEING OF ROME.—In 1796 Napoleon Bonaparte, on his way to overthrow the pope, incited his soldiers with one of his fiery speeches to the effect that they still had one offense to avenge. The hour of vengeance had struck. To restore the Capitol, to awaken the people of Rome, blunted from centuries of slavery, were to be the fruits of their victories; they would mark an epoch in history.

1798 the world struck by an earthquake that shaken the earth by its greatest magnitude that this world never seen and never experienced that brought down Rome and Papacy and loosed It's power and authority..

"In 1798 General Berthier (General of Napoleon) made his entrance into Rome, abolished the papal government, and established a secular one." -Encyclopedia Britannica 1941 edition

"The Roman People are restored their rights of sovereignty by proclaiming their independence, by assuming the government of ancient Rome and by constituting the Roman Republic.. "ALEXANDRE BERTHIER."

At the time, they were in the abyss.. After the year of overthrew, This organization already abused countless children and women, and vulnerable people through out the world. Many already died without having any Justice and memorial or recognizing on what this organization done to them.

"Lateran Concordat of 1929 - Rome, June 7.--From 11 o' clock this morning there was another sovereign independent State in the world. At that time Premier Mussolini, as Italian Foreign Minister representing King Victor Emmanuel--the first Italian Premier ever to cross the threshold of the Vatican--exchanged with Cardinal Gasparri, Papal Secretary of State, representing Pope Pius XI, ratifications of the treaties signed at the Lateran Palace on Feb. 11. By that simple act the sovereign independent State of Vatican City came into existence." -New York Times July 7, 1929
"Mussolini and Gaspari(Cardinal) Sign Historic Pact.....Heal Wound of Many Years." -The San Francisco Chronicle 7-7-1929

As expected the wound heals and continue their evil deeds against humanity.. Together with the Nazi and Ustashi, They terminate the population of Jews, Gipsey, Roma and Serbs.. Again this huge slaughtering was blessed by the Church and participated and this mass slaughterering..  And the victim who survive the Holocaust still don't get any justice, Memories erased by the time while those host who did it to them are sitting God again..   

This organization is nothing but a scheme using the name of God just to follow them by these people that they been manipulated and serve them and use these officials to acquitted them in every crimes they have done.. To serve the sovereignty of this Papacy whose in Rome for they knew that serving this Man is serving God..

Flooding with wealth that they collected in every Nation that they been under their despotism by the used of their Religion and came from those victims that they exterminated and persecuted and use it for budgeting their Religious persecution and crimes, saving criminal members of them to escape the punishment and to be prosecuted and executed within the country that the crime was done..

Those who protect this whore are only fooling themselves..

This sovereignty of Papacy will not die for a cause for the benefits of the people, Truly! these people will be sacrifice for the cause of this Papacy and save only himself for the benefits of her Sovereignty and only for the benefits of the Church and not the benefits of the people within the country.. Fooled by the salvation that they using to manipulate and control the minds of those whose unfortunate enough to be use by this Church..

Salvation will not come to this Man called Pope or to this Church for her belief itself condemned salvation.. This Organization must end and that's the salvation of Humanity.. The Papacy must end and it's sovereign state so Humanity may live.. She cannot be allowed to continue for the safety of human race.. The people itself is the Sovereign.. Whose this Man to judge them or us? Disguised as heavenly lamb but beneath salivating savage animal.. Nothing but cruel intentions to mankind. If she live many innocent lives will die. Their faith threatens Innocent lives and all free man in this world..

We all going to be judge equal.. Whatever our position in this world, Rich or Poor, How big or small you are we are all equal in the eyes of God and we will be judge according to our works and not to our position or state of living in this world..

Verdict will be cast down and those who suppressed humanity and the patriotism and courage of those who fought for liberty and equality and the rights of others and oppressed because of truth, but fell to the tyranny of these beast and by the sword of the tyrant of these unjust rulers to serve the vanities and vices of this kind of organization.. They will surely be avenge..

Forgiveness will be closed for they had reached the signs to strike the bell..

Woe to those who use the name of God to enrich themselves and make profits from the poor people.. Speaking nothing but meaningless, senseless that coming out of their mouth just for the things that they may put in their stashes just for ones good..

Woe to those who protect them and maintain this Papacy in this world for they will be considered Enemy and Judas to Humanity.. Those who protect them will burn together with them..

Woe to this Church for abusing the weak and powerless and those who cannot protect themselves against their savagery...

Who this Sovereign in the past is none other than the Sovereign of today.. Drunk of the blood of their helpless victims and thirst of the blood of those they want to devour..

They weaken Nations..

The first earthquake that took this world in storm is already past, The next great one is coming, The Great Day!

To Punish the oppressors of Humanity is Clemency; to forgive them is cruelty. - Maximilien Robespierre

"It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets." Voltaire

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